The battery management system (BMS) is the central element for monitoring and controlling lithium-ion energy storage systems.
The duty of the battery management system is to keep all lithium ion battery cells within their precise operational window. This “operational window” entails many different characteristics, such as current, temperature, and voltage.
Battery manufacturers do their best to produce cells that are identical; nevertheless, cells can still age differently due to location in the module or inherent small differences in the cell. One of the primary duties of the battery management system is to ensure that cells are properly balanced. If cells are unbalanced at the beginning or end of a charge/discharge cycle, they will enter ranges outside of their operational voltage window, which will quickly degrade the cell and decrease the functionality and performance of the module as a whole. This can also make the battery much more likely to fail. For this reason, it is necessary that individual cell voltage monitoring is performed and the proper circuitry and logic exist at the module level to keep the cells within their voltage window while they are being charged and discharged.
Lithium ion cells also have specified temperature windows and maximum charge and discharge current limits. The battery management system calculates the maximum charge and discharge current a module can withstand and has the proper circuitry to protect against currents that are above these limits. The battery management system also monitors the temperature of the module, and the most advanced battery management systems measure individual cell temperatures.
Without battery management systems, lithium ion batteries would truly not be able to be the energy storage technology of today and the future.
In this Regard, Teiszmann-Systems AG offers all storage architecture with a “Smart Battery Management” software suitable for standardised networking. This advantage is of special importance in particular with respect to the network integration of energy storage systems . Battery management systems are a necessary completion for any lithium battery system. Long service life, system stability and safety are the keywords why a BMS system is indispensable for trouble-free operation of the mobile or stationary energy storage system. Active cell voltage balance, current monitoring and temperature control are the some important tasks performed by Teiszmann BMS system.
Provision of positive and negative balancing energy / frequency stability: Both the operators of transmission networks and power plants, as well as private solar energy producers can save excess energy highly efficient in phases of overloaded grids and can feed it back when the conditions are best with respect to the general energy volume and/or the energy prices. In addition, the in-stalled storage volume can contribute to frequency stability in the grid.
Continuous provision of energy from volatile power generation systems: The capability of regenerative energy sources from sun, wind and water rarely meets the contemporary demand. Therefore storage systems are indispensable for balancing generation and demand.
Increase in self-exploiting of regenerative electricity: The installation of small private storage systems allows operators to significantly increase their rate of consumption of self-generated energy. A largely desired effect in this process is that the distribution net-works can be significantly relieved in times of high solarisation rates.